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DIA Webinar Recap: Keys to Creating an Analytics-Driven Culture

By Melanie Deardorff

We kicked off 2018 with another Data Insights & Analytics webinar — an ongoing series of monthly educational programs produced in partnership with DATAVERSITY. Our January 4 topic, Keys to Creating an Analytics-Driven Culture, brought in more than 100 attendees on a week where most everyone was still getting into the post-New Year’s Day work groove.

Our co-presenters, Kelle O’Neal and John Ladley, organized the webinar into seven key topic areas:

  • Analytics-Driven vs. Data-Driven – They defined the term analytics-driven and described it as a sub-set of the more commonly known “data-driven.”
  • Why Culture Matters – What drives company culture? Let’s look at three companies well-known for their cultures, HubSpot, REI and Virgin Atlantic.
  • Engaging Senior Leaders’ Support of Analytics – Learn the key characteristics of a support executive; e.g., demonstrates perseverance when challenges arise and can remediate.
  • Engaging Stakeholder Support of Analytics – Our Stakeholder Analysis Guide prompts culture-focused questions and can be customized for any organization.
  • Analytics-Focused Vision Statement – A compelling vision describes the desired future state in a way that’s inspirational, rich and evocative, yet high-level and strategic.
  • Communication Best Practices for Culture Change – Kelle and John reviewed the “what, why, when, where and how” of culture communication planning.
  • Approaches for an Analytics-Driven Culture – They shared examples from an investment firm and manufacturing firm and highlighted their successes.

The "Golden Age of Data" still offers challenges that inhibit an analytics-driven culture.

It’s the “Golden Age of Data,” but many organizations still struggle with technological, strategic and tactical issues.

Kelle and John encouraged the webinar attendees to take action in 2018 by sharing the value of analytics in their organization. And, no matter the role, they offered ideas for everyone:

  • As a senior leader you could …
    • Educate yourself on how to be a good sponsor.
    • Structure the business to be aligned with analytics.
    • Ensure that your analytics-driven vision is effective.
  • As a manager or team lead you could …
    • Clarify the meaning of analytics-driven with your team.
    • Translate analytics-driven vision into action.
    • Gather and share stories about the power of analytics.
  • As an individual contributor you could …
    • Share ideas on how to have an analytics-driven mindset.
    • Share lessons learned and successes about analytics.
  • As someone very new to this topic you could …
    • Educate yourself on the topics of analytics and culture change.
    • Look for ways to grow your expertise to fill any gaps.
    • Reflect on experience you’ve had with companies that changed their culture — and the learnings you could bring to your current team and organization

Analytics-Driven Culture Webinar Replay

Our summary is brief and doesn’t fully cover the one-hour presentation, and we encourage you to listen to the audio replay to get the full value. You can also download the presentation material from SlideShare.

Up Next Month: Data Lake and BI Architecture

Our Data Insights & Analytics series continues Thursday, February 1 with the Simplifying Data Lake and Modern BI Architecture webinar. We hope you make plans to join Kelle and John … and if you’d like to be reminded of future webinars and other First San Francisco Partners news, join our VIP list!

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