Joshua Henderson, Solutions Architect at FSFP
Meet the FSFP Team

Meet Joshua Henderson, Solutions Architect


Meet Joshua Henderson, a Solutions Architect at FSFP. Josh designs comprehensive data management solutions for our clients.

With a keen focus on understanding client needs and leveraging the latest technologies, Josh helps design scalable and secure architectures that optimize data storage, streamline processes and enhance analytical capabilities that align strategically with our client’s strategic goals.

We hope you enjoy getting to know Josh better in this profile article.

If you had to describe your FSFP role to a third-grader, how would you explain it?

Think of me as a helper for businesses. Do you know how sometimes you have puzzles or challenges to figure out? Companies have puzzles called problems. One big problem they often have is with something called data. Data is information about everything they do, like how many people buy their toys or how much money they make. My job is to help these companies solve these problems with their data. I make sure they can use their information correctly and keep it organized. It is like helping them sort out a messy room so they can find everything they need quickly and easily!

What do you enjoy most about working in the data management and governance industry?

I like the fast-paced, ever-changing nature of data governance and management. Every day, every week, every month brings innovative applications, thoughts and strategies. There is always something new coming out. I appreciate not being stuck with static products that never change and knowing what to expect 30 years from now. I also enjoy driving the solutions to evolving and emerging technologies and their problems.

Josh Henderson, FSFP

Josh, one of FSFP’s data management experts who specializes in data governance, quality and analytics, spends part of his time in Greece. He works remotely for FSFP, as does everyone else in our company. Here, Josh is enjoying the beautiful Seitan Limania beach in Crete.

What advice would you offer people interested in breaking into this field?

The most valuable advice I can offer anyone is to dive into data and applications. Get your hands dirty and get hands-on experience. Most people can learn data tasks in their spare time using their own resources. I find absorbing information difficult when watching a video; I need to engage with the material actively. My learning style requires creating and implementing test cases whenever I need to master something from scratch. I advise everyone not to get too fixated on doing things “correctly” according to industry standards. Instead, focus on learning how to do it first and refine the approach with increased understanding. Otherwise, insisting on developing the ideal solution right from the beginning leads to frustration and makes it easy to give up before really starting.

FSFP lives by its FIRST values (focus, integrity, resourcefulness, skillfulness and teamwork). Thinking back over the last few weeks, which values have you or others demonstrated?

We recently completed a project which required teamwork. It is not just about the external service provider (FSFP) coming in to assist the client; it’s about FSFP and the client working together as a team. In all our engagements, a key factor for success is forming a cohesive team relationship with the client. We don’t just collaborate with the client but integrate into their organization. Whether we’re there for six weeks or two years, we strive to become an integral part of the client’s team. In fact, we are frequently mistaken for client employees rather than consultants. This is crucial to our success as it opens doors to new connections, fosters collaboration, and allows us to better align with the client’s strategic goals. At FSFP, we truly excel in teamwork.

Working from home, as we all do at FSFP, has its perks. What would you order if you could get a free lunch from DoorDash today?

I would probably order barbecue. I am down in Georgia, so we are eating barbecue as soon as we can chew.

What’s your favorite activity after hours when not working with FSFP clients?

There are two answers, both tied together. First is spending time with my wife and daughter. We are very close, so I always try to find activities for us to do together. Secondly, our love of traveling and experiencing diverse cultures and countries is a way that we love to spend time with each other. We enjoy stepping out of our comfort zone and embracing diversity rather than living in a bubble. Venturing allows us to create and appreciate a variety of ideals. I enjoy providing that experience for my daughter.

We hope you enjoyed the latest installment in our Meet the Team series. Check out our other team member interviews to learn more about the people who make FSFP tick.