
Nine Best Practices for Driving [Enterprise] Collibra Adoption

Successful data governance necessitates a change to an organization’s culture in which people value, access and utilize the organization’s data.

Collibra provides an innovative solution for powering data intelligence with data governance at the core. While the tool itself is powerful, its real value is actualized when people choose to use it to do their work more efficiently and effectively. This choice is adoption — and adoption happens one person at a time. Driving adoption to achieve sustained value requires a concerted change management effort.

Nine Best Practices for Driving [Enterprise] Collibra Adoption, a guide authored by First San Francisco Partners (FSFP) consultant Becky Lyons, PhD., features a summary of best practices based on FSFP’s decades of implementing sound data governance, data management and fit-for-purpose technology implementations (including Collibra) for clients of all sizes and varying industries.

Best Practices for Collibra Adoption

By understanding and using these best practices, you can begin laying a foundation for meaningful, lasting change that drives sustained value from data governance with Collibra.

The featured best practices are:

  1. Focus on the Value Case
  2. Engage the Right People at the Right Time
  3. Align Technology Adoption with Change Management
  4. Communicate Early and Often
  5. Make Training Meaningful and Accessible
  6. Measure Impact and Progress
  7. Plan For and Manage Resistance
  8. Integrate (meta)Governance
  9. Blend Agile and Traditional Approaches to Data Governance

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